
RA, LDN & Test Numbers

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00November 5th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: My RA diagnosis caught me completely by surprise. Quick question before I meet with my rheumatologist on Wednesday. Are you aware of LDN success with test numbers similar to mine? My Rheumatoid Factor is 66 and the Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody (CCPA) >300. Larry's Response: NUMBERS? I am not up to [...]

Does estradiol cause cancer?

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00October 30th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: I've been taking Bi-est E2 0.2 and E3 0.08 1 mg twice a day for many years, along with progesterone 100mg at night. I was told that estradiol can cause cancer. Should I just take estriol? What is your opinion please? Larry's Response: There are a multitude of STORIES about hormone [...]

Bacon, bacon, bacon…

2015-08-07T16:52:54-05:00October 15th, 2013|Blog|

"Experts" from every corner of the health arena seem to get their shorts in a bunch about many of the food items available to us. Many times they’re correct when they label something harmful. Sugars and artificial sweeteners are predominantly unnecessary and potentially harmful. Some meats and dairy products contain hormones that certainly aren’t healthy [...]

A honey study, flawed.

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00October 13th, 2013|Blog|

We have long known about the healing and protective properties of honey. Doctors in our area make certain we set honey from our hives aside for them to purchase. The effects on allergies are profound. We all bemoan the fact that a lot of commercial honey these days contains high fructose corn syrup and flavoring [...]


2015-08-07T16:54:58-05:00October 8th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: I take bioidentical hormones and I get a lot of gallstones. What do you suggest to curtail the gallstones? Larry's Response: Gallstones are basically a mystery. There are many connections and many likely causes, but nothing specific. I have no evidence that normal doses of hormone replacements cause the stones to [...]

Statins strengthen plaque? WHAT?

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00October 3rd, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: My cardiologist made a case for Lipitor I have not heard before. His point is that statins, by reducing cholesterol levels, strengthen the plaque wall or structure in some way and reduce the chance of plaque rupture, which is the real danger. He said that examination of plaque from people with [...]

Lower my cholesterol! NO!

2015-08-07T16:58:04-05:00September 23rd, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: I am trying to lower my cholesterol. I think there are a few factors as to why it is too high: I took Wellbutrin to quit smoking and a thyroid issue. My cholesterol is at 283 and my doctor gave me the long face and said I ABSOLUTELY have to be [...]

Acid reflux, sore throat, HELP

2015-08-07T17:01:19-05:00September 10th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: I have had really bad acid reflux for 1 1/2 years now. I have a sore throat that almost never goes away and on and off heart burn (not as frequent). I have tried MANY alternative things (reiki, reflexology, chiropractic, macrobiotic, enzymes, probiotics, meditation, hypnosis), tried MANY dietary changes, seen 2 [...]

LDN Ramping?

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00August 27th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your question: When starting the LDN (I am starting at 0.5mg) how long should I stay on this dose before moving up a little? My goal is 4.5 but my doctor said to take it very slow. Since you do this all the time I was hoping you might have a recommendation. Larry's [...]

Statins linked to muscle/joint problems?

2015-08-07T17:03:56-05:00August 20th, 2013|Blog|

Statins Linked to Muscle, Joint Problems, the headline reads. No surprise there. We have KNOWN about the negative effects of statins for a decade or more. An eerie aspect is that the statin itself might not be the direct culprit. LOW CHOLESTEROL is actually harmful. Cholesterol is THE substance we use to make hormones and [...]

A rant, with a positive ending

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00August 12th, 2013|Blog|

Somehow the truth stays the same. Fibs have a tendency to change and grow (Pinocchio's nose, etc.). That's what I look for when I analyze something. If a diagnosis, for example, needs to be modified and "tweaked" there's a greater chance that the whole thing is bogus. Multiple Sclerosis isn't a disease, but doctors want [...]

Metoprolol or ?????

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00August 6th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your question: I am wondering if you have any suggestions for my daughter to take as opposed to a beta blocker that was prescribed, Metoprolol. She was diagnosed with POTS: postural orthostatic tachycardial symdrome. Her symptoms are dizziness and light headedness upon standing, racing heart when walking up stairs, chest pain sometimes (although [...]

Split brused fingers?

2015-08-07T17:07:08-05:00July 30th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your question: My fingertips have calloused which then split; my skin turns dark like a bruised finger. What would you recommend? Larry's Response: From your description I'd be thinking about peripheral vascular problems - often called Reynaud's - a disorder causing discoloration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas. This condition may [...]

How are you losing weight?

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00July 16th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your question: Somewhere in one of your articles I read that you are losing weight. Are you eating a low carb diet? I am 100+ pounds over weight and have arthritis in my knees; imagine that! So I'm looking for an eating plan that is healthy and works. Would you share what eating [...]

Chronic pain: HELP!

2015-08-07T17:11:11-05:00July 8th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Question: I am in such constant pain that I cannot function. I am a nurse and am on my feet for 9 hours straight with this pain. If I sit down to rest it's worse because getting up is even more painful. Please help me feel better. I asked my doctor for a [...]

Seasonal Allergies!

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00June 24th, 2013|Blog|

If you have seasonal allergies you will likely try anything – or everything – to stop the relentless symptoms. They can range from mild irritation of the throat or eyes to something much more serious, like bronchospasm (like asthma) or even anaphylaxis (unlikely but possible). The underlying cause of all symptoms is pollen – and [...]


2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00June 18th, 2013|Blog|

OBESOGEN – yes, it’s a REAL word. An obesogen is any chemical that inappropriately alters lipid balance and fat storage. They change metabolic set points, disrupt energy balance or modify the regulation of appetite, which can promote fat accumulation and obesity or, at the very least, weight gain. With America’s propensity toward obesity (over 35% [...]

Hair tests and magnesium deficiency

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00June 10th, 2013|Blog|

Ask Larry: Your Question: In reading about magnesium deficiency, it mentions autism, and also growth retardation. My nephew has both. He is 2 1/2, is autistic and not growing well. One article mentioned testing children with hair samples to determine deficiencies since blood tests aren't accurate. The article also connects autism with lack of B6. [...]

Live healthy: A Blueprint

2016-11-14T20:42:52-05:00May 27th, 2013|Blog|

So you're on prescription drugs, and you routinely feel like trash. Yet, you mistakenly forgot to take your medication and immediately noticed how amazing you feel. How do you continue to chase that feeling and, more importantly, improve your health at this point? Well, let's touch on everything, shall we? About your drug use... Be [...]

Consti… Pation

2017-06-13T16:18:14-05:00May 21st, 2013|Blog|

Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. It is a common situation that usually passes on its own. Serious consequences await people who fail to get this resolved. There are many causes and a few of them require medical treatment. Most of the time, however, the problems can be resolved [...]

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