
Thoughts on LDN?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00October 25th, 2011|Blog|

Question: I see that you suggest LDN for MS. Recently someone sent an article on the MS Society website that advises against its use. I certainly don't take everything they say as gospel. In fact I sometimes do the complete opposite of what they suggest, but would like to know what your thoughts are on [...]

Doctors are addicted to tests!

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00October 16th, 2011|Blog|

Allow me to play devil's advocate. I'm concerned about medical testing, almost all of it. Some recent discussions about ALCAT allergy tests have me thinking more about what I think might be the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Testing is becoming more ubiquitous and it seems related to a belief system that everything important [...]

Magnesium for Migraines?

2015-08-11T17:57:04-05:00October 12th, 2011|Blog|

Question: I heard this past week that on the onset of a migraine, it helps to have magnesium. Do you know anything about that? Larry's Response: Yes, there's evidence that migraines respond to magnesium. The difficulty is in taking a magnesium supplement that does not also cause severe stomach distress. I suggest the best approach [...]

Drug shortages at hospitals?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00October 9th, 2011|Blog|

A news article regarding shortages of medicines at hospitals was sent to me, and the sender asked my thoughts. I wanted to share those with you. Here's a situation that has been in the making for many years. We have reached a place in modern medicine where the focus has shifted from that of healing, [...]

Autism, probiotics and prevention

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00October 2nd, 2011|Blog|

"By the time I graduated from medical school I had never seen an autistic individual," she says. "... To be honest, the first autistic child that I encountered was my own... Five years ago we were diagnosing one child in 150, which is almost a 40-fold increase in incidence. Now in Britain and some countries, [...]

What’s all this about Lowering Risk?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00September 27th, 2011|Blog|

I won't try to stop you if you want a flu shot. There is something unsettling about the notion of reducing my personal risk for a disease or a disaster. Risk is a relative term that only applies to groups. If all is held equal in a group, changing one element can increase or decrease [...]

Niacin. What can’t it help?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00September 13th, 2011|Blog|

Bill W. is the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and he was a proponent for using relatively large amounts of niacin (vitamin B3). He found that taking three grams each day lifted the fatigue and depression that had plagued him for years. He offered the vitamin to about 30 of his friends and within 6 [...]

A run in with THE regulatory agency

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00September 6th, 2011|Blog|

We received a call from THE regulatory agency last week. I was being "invited" to a conference call scheduled for this morning at 11:00 am eastern time. I was out of town and missed the first call. Being the persistent bureaucrats, they called again yesterday and spoke to my wife. She asked what the topic [...]

Recently Diagnosed. What Now?

2015-08-11T18:04:18-05:00August 30th, 2011|Blog|

It happens every day and it is escalating. A doctor tells you that you "have" something and that there are treatment options, which usually means choices of drugs, surgery, or maybe even doses of radiation. Rarely, if ever, is the new diagnosis approached with a review of diet, exercise, spirituality, emotional life, or even clean [...]

Thyroid and Cholesterol connection?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00August 23rd, 2011|Blog|

Archie told me his cholesterol and TSH (a test used to determine if the thyroid is functioning properly) numbers were high and that the doctor was considering a couple of approaches. Instead of "treating" the cholesterol with a drug, Archie decided to ignore it for the time being and focus his attention on the thyroid [...]

Drugged for Life?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00August 16th, 2011|Blog|

Oscar told me that he had restless leg syndrome - and that it got so bad sometimes that he couldn't sleep. His doctor ordered clonazepam - trade name, Klonapin, a very potent anxiolytic (used to treat anxiety). It is in the category of drugs called benzodiazepines. These are often prescribed as muscle relaxants and sleep [...]

Treatment for sore knees you will LOVE!

2015-08-11T18:08:51-05:00August 10th, 2011|Blog|

As we get more "seasoned" some of our joints can become a little creaky. Of course, it is common to reach for a bottle of pain reliever or a jar of rub to help relieve the aches. For the long haul, exercise is the superior method for relieving pain and strengthening joints - especially those [...]

The 80/20 rule for your diet

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00August 2nd, 2011|Blog|

"The Pareto principle." This is a name used to describe the 80/20 rule we hear so often. Pareto was an Italian who observed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. From that beginning, economists have devised a rule of thumb that 80% of sales, for example, [...]

Over The Counter Drugs & Kids

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00July 19th, 2011|Blog|

Clearly, children react to drugs differently than adults. There are fewer drugs available for children in the OTC arena. That's a good thing. While I basically oppose the use of drugs for children, I am aware that there are times when it is necessary to use them. For example, when severe pain strikes it seems [...]

Another healthcare rant…

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00July 11th, 2011|Blog|

The best way to assure quality medical care is to return to the system that required people to pay for their own health care. After decades of demanding that someone else pay the bills, the entire field of medicine has become jaded and inefficient. Of course, there are some wonderful professionals, but they are becoming [...]

Stopping OTC Pain Relievers?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00July 5th, 2011|Blog|

Question: I've been taking 4 Aleve (Naproxen) a day from my doctor's suggestion to releive arthritic pain in my hips and knees. But the pain seems to have gotten worse over these last 2 months. The pain at night keeps me awake. I am thinking I should stop taking them. Is there a backlash from [...]

Kidney Stone Help

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00June 27th, 2011|Blog|

Question: My husband suffers from uric acid kidney stones and episcleritis, which we understand are related, and is currently taking potassium citrate. Are the stones a metabolic disorder? What else can or should be done to prevent re-occurence? What else should he change? Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated!! Larry's Response: Elevated uric [...]

Menopause frustration

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00June 20th, 2011|Blog|

Question: I need some advice on my menopause symptoms that are still a big problem. I'm now on Noriday from a recommendation by my doctor. But I ache all over, feel suffer fatigued, I'm still depressed... Am I to accept this as just my age? I'm only 51 years old! Larry's Response: I understand your [...]

Where’s the diabetes info?

2016-11-14T20:42:54-05:00June 13th, 2011|Blog|

Question: I don't see anything on your website about diabetes. Is there a reason for the omission? I would like to know if there are alternatives to diabetes medications such as metformin and a new one called victoza which is an injectible in a pen. Larry's Response: There are many diseases and conditions that aren't [...]

My Sinuses are Keeping Me Up!

2015-08-11T18:15:19-05:00June 6th, 2011|Blog|

Question: Sleep has been fragmented most of my adult life with nasal/sinus stuffiness. I wake several times a night each night being unable to breathe through my nose, and I can't breathe through my mouth because it dries my mouth/throat out. Will Sinus Buster help me sleep at night? I am so fatigued. Thanks Larry's [...]

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