Treat GERD with a dangerous drug or a natural product? Your Choice.
Most people make the wrong choice. Don’t be one of them.
Let’s take a look at a definition of
Reflux Disease. The primary symptom is heartburn and there are several names for it, but they all mean esophageal damage produced by “…abnormal reflux of stomach acid.” A comprehensive article about GERD was published online on August 18, 2016. It clearly describes causes, treatments, and methods for prevention. The title is, “
All You Need To Know About Acid Reflux And How To Manage It With Your Diet”, and the author is Karen Reed. It is a treasure chest of useful information. Take a look and
bookmark the page for future reference.
The standard medical approach to this “disease” is to take something to lower the amount of acid in the stomach – an antacid, a H2 blocker, or the newer proton pump inhibitors. But, I have to wonder why so many people chose to live with the risks those drugs carry with them. The problem is an abnormal reflux of acid, not an abnormal amount of acid.
Truth be told, the reflux of acid is likely to be the result of not having enough acid.
The body uses acid – strong acid (pH 1 to 2, for those who care about the details) – to help digest food. When there isn’t enough, the muscles in the GI tract respond with a squeezing action, probably intending to squeeze out sufficient acid to do the job at hand. The mulching and squeezing can push stomach contents upward into the esophagus. Yes, there’s acid in the material and it can erode the esophagus – which leads to what we call heartburn symptoms. That’s the crux of the problem becausethe acid belongs in the stomach, not in the esophagus.
There are safe ways to treat this acid reflux, each aimed at correcting the problem by calming the system and keeping the acid where it can do the most good, in the stomach. One safe approach is the use of additional acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar. Yes, more acid, not less. Some of us, especially as we get older have diminished supplies of gastric acid and we can find great relief by using an acid, even a hydrochloric acid source, like Betaine.
There’s another approach, similar to using lemon juice or added acid, but more complete. Its a liquid product that works quickly every time. It’s safe and effective (contains apple cider vinegar, natural ginger, natural garlic juice), but most people prefer their drugs because of one simple problem: the product tastes bad. Mix 1 or 2 tabelspoonsful in a quarter glass of water at the onset of acid reflux, or one or two quick swallows directly from the bottle (if the strong taste of vinegar doesn’t bother you) and your symptoms will stop in about one minute.
I guarantee that this stuff works – and so does the company that makes it. If it doesn’t work for you, you are guaranteed a refund of the purchase price. I will not refund your money if you just complain about the taste. I admit that it tastes bad, but it still works.
Here’s a link to our store for this product: Stops Acid Reflux, 8 Fluid Ounces.
An irony of modern life in the United States is that most people seem to prefer taking a drug that is intended to mask symptoms by doing the wrong thing. Not only are we using the wrong approach, but the drugs can be highly harmful to our bodies. Sometimes they do damage that cannot be reversed. See my article on this topic: Does a Healthy Woman Need Drugs.
Don’t risk a lifetime of problems because you chose to use a dangerous drug instead of a safe product that just tastes bad.