There hasn’t been much discussion on chronic urinary tract infections alongside inflammation of the prostate. It seems to the casual observer, or one who doesn’t necessarily experience a UTI or prostate issues every now and again, that the two topics are gender specific and completely unrelated.

What would you think if I told you that they were in fact related and potentially can both be treated with the same approach?

Here’s the science:

The prostate gland is part of the genitourinary system in the male. It is comparable to a gland in females known as the Skene’s Gland. Its role is in the body is to store and secrete a non-acidic fluid that may help adjust the pH of vaginal secretions, affording better motility of sperm, longer survival, and better protection of DNA (genetic material). The prostate also controls a complex series of valves that sends the semen into the urethra during ejaculatory process and a prostate muscle called the sphincter seals the bladder, thereby preventing urine entry into the urethra.

While not commonly associated with urinary tract infections, the location and function of the prostate suggests that the gland can become infected in much the same way that a urinary bladder is infected – retention of bacteria. The bacteria most commonly associated with urinary tract infections is e-coli. The standard treatment is to take antibiotics that accumulate in the urinary tract. The sulfa drugs have a long history in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

Types of Infection:

When an infection occurs infrequently, using the antibiotic is a reasonable choice. The difficulty arises when the infection comes back repeatedly. This is referred to as a chronic infection.  The underlying cause of the infection may be related to lifestyle, diet, or even body structure.

It is not unusual for a person with chronic urinary infections to find themselves taking antibiotics on a regular basis – over many years.

In fact, we once had a male customer who took one-half tablet of sulfamethoxasole every day, year after year. Without it, he complained of burning and frequent urges to urinate. He reported feeling fine as long as he took the antibiotic every day.

This can quickly become problematic. The antibiotics don’t “know” the difference between good bacteria and bad. Their function is to impede bacteria – and that means that good gut bacteria can be destroyed – which leads to indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, malabsorption, and all the chronic conditions caused by those uncomfortable symptoms.

Returning to the fact that the prostate is part of the genitourinary system:

Would it be reasonable to think that a substance that has been found to help protect against bladder infections can also protect against chronic prostate infection? Yes.

Studies – and experience – show that using a small amount of a natural sugar, D-Mannose, can actually relieve chronic infections for many people. The sugar has a strong attraction for e-coli. The microorganisms “stick” to the D-Mannose particles and are flushed from the tract with urine.

While it is always good to drink plenty of water, people with chronic urinary infections have a special reason to be conscientious about their water consumption. Increased water means more urine, which, in turn, means more flushing of the urinary tract. When D-Mannose is present in the fluid, e-coli bacteria can be more efficiently removed from the system.

Can I prove that D-Mannose will cure or prevent prostate infections (prostatitis)? No.

First, I don’t have studies to support the contention. Second, if D-Mannose, a natural sugar, were shown to cure prostatitis it would have to be categorized as a drug. In itself, that would be a massive problem. I can explain that I have researched D-Mannose and prostate infections and I have concluded that there is a strong possibility that it can help. It is inexpensive and harmless. It is even safe for diabetics, as it does not impact the pancreas.

To add even more protection against the attack of unfriendly bacteria, we can all find better health by using a quality probiotic every day. Our normal gut bacteria are under constant assault so it is wise to regularly add good bacteria to our gut. We recommend Florajen 3 for most people. It is powerful and cost effective. People who have difficulty with c-diff infections should seriously consider a daily regimen of Orthobiotic.

So to put it simply:

1.) Drink plenty of clean water; 8 to 10 large glasses each day
2.) Use a half teaspoon of D-Mannoseonce daily to prevent infection
3.) Use a good probiotic every day to keep your E Coli under control

 Want to read more about the prostate? Read our PROSTATE: FAQ for more information!