sweetGood Bacteria vs. Bad Bacteria

Antibiotic literally means “Against-Life”. When you take antibiotics you are actually destroying bacteria or other viruses inside your body. Probiotic means the opposite – “For-Life.” When you take Probiotics you are actually adding life to your body. Probiotics actually reintroduce the good bacteria into your oral environment!

There are four categories of foods that will result in an increase in sulfur production. All of the categories below have a stimulating effect on the bacteria:

  1. Drying Agents: The most common drying agent in food is alcohol. It is the basis of all “adult” beverages such as beer, wine, and hard liquor. It is also used, unfortunately, in mouthwash, where it only makes the problem worse. Alcohol is often used in laboratories to “dry out” hard-to-reach areas in test tubes and beakers. The same result takes place in the oral cavity.
  2. Dense Protein Foods: Dairy foods are notorious for creating bad breath. Other protein-dense foods are beef, chicken, and fish.
  3. Sugars: Candy (sugar) cannot cure bad breath. If you are concerned about your breath, stay away from candies, mints, and chewing gum if they contain sugar. (NOTE: Glycerin is a sweet substance that is often added to toothpaste. It can be a nutrient for bacteria. It is also sticky and clings to the mouth. Additional rinsing is necessary to remove after using.)
  4. Acidic Foods: Some acidic foods you should watch out for are:
    1. Coffee – both decaf and regular have acids (Tea is okay)
    2. Tomato Juice
    3. All Citrus Juices – Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice, Grapefruit Juice The reason why acidic foods are a concern has to do with the way the bacteria react to an acidic environment. pH is a term used to describe the acidity of the environment. The oral cavity has a normal pH of 6.5 (7 is neutral) which is in the acid range.

As stated earlier, “The only proven way to eliminate bad breath is to change your existing oral environment so that it is ‘less friendly’ to creating and sustaining the Volatile Sulfur Compound producing bacteria which cause bad breath and unpleasant mouth taste.”

What to do?
  1. Watch the foods consumed.
  2. Brush often.
  3. Do not use sugar or sweetened products.
  4. Be very careful about sugar and sweeteners in toothpaste.
  5. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide (mixed half with water).
  6. Use a quality probiotic.
  7. Nasal rinses are good because they can help remove mucous from the sinuses.