I’ve posted that Vitamin D3 offers numerous health advantages to the human body.

It is a truly unique “vitamin” because its structure more closely resembles a steroid than a vitamin. No, not the kind of steroid that can get you kicked out of baseball (“roids”). Instead, it has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. These characteristics help us tolerate pain and improve performance. In the older scientific literature vitamin D3 is referred to as a seco-steroid; which means it has a common steroid structure (like Cortisol or Hydrocortisone) with one of the rings opened.

The Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin D3 is in the neighborhood of 400 International Units (IU), which is just the amount necessary to prevent death.

In the rush to reduce cholesterol levels and avoid sunlight people are becoming deficient in this critical vitamin – because the normal source of it is from the interaction of sunlight with cholesterol in our skin. Modern medicine does its best to push our vitamin D3 levels down, which results in numerous health problems; joint/muscle pain and a weakened immune system.

Many practitioners are testing their patients and finding that all but a scant few are deficient. They suggest adding vitamin D3 as a supplement, often in the range of 2,000 IU per day. While that’s far better than the government’s recommendation of 400 IU, it is still not enough. Taking 5,000  to 10,000  IU per day is more appropriate.

A 2008 report in Alternative Medicine Review* explained that a dose of “… 909 IU/lb/day for 3 days to cure common viral respiratory infections…”. This is also be the case when any viral infection strikes – including the FLU.

That works out to 136,350 IU for a person who weighs 150 pounds, which can be safely rounded to 3 x 50,000 IU capsules

Generally, 1 capsule of 50,000 IU for every 50 pounds of body weight, or 1,000 IU per pound will help anyoine combat inflammation (pain) as well as the seasonal flu infections.

This report strongly supports the healing power of supplemental vitamin D3 in doses that might seem high, but are actually small and reasonable.

Have you taken your Vitamin D3 today?

We stock a number of Vitamin D3 products.

It doesn’t matter where you get your Vitamin D3, just get some.
*Altern Med Rev. 2008 Mar;13(1):6-20. | Use of vitamin D in clinical practice. | Cannell JJ, Hollis BW.