There are two different, but related factors that contribute greatly to low Vitamin D levels. Both of them are common and prescribed by most doctors. That means that wide-spread Vitamin D Deficiency is the result of standard medical advice.
What are these two factors?
Before disclosing them completely, I must briefly describe the process by which our bodies make Vitamin D: Sunlight strikes our skin and converts cholesterol into Vitamin D.
I’m sure you’ve been warned to avoid the sun and even wear a potent sun blocking agent every time you are outside.
Everybody and their brother seems to be taking drugs to reduce cholesterol.
It is no surprise, then, that we all seem to have low levels of Vitamin D – and become increasingly likely to suffer from serious medical conditions as a result.
This is but one glaring example of how modern medical advice can be extremely dangerous to your health.
My suggestions?
    1. Cholesterol levels are a gauge that a doctor can use to determine if there is something wrong in your body. Cholesterol itself does not cause disease. The task is to discover what processes in the body might be elevating cholesterol, not take a drug to lower these levels artificially.
  1. Avoid topical sun blockers. First, they inhibit absorption of UVB – necessary for conversion of cholesterol to Vitamin D. Worse, however, the chemicals in the creams can be activated to free radicals by the sun. When absorbed therough the skin, they can be toxic oxidants in your body (the very thing we are warned to avoid).
Both sunshine and cholesterol are good for you.
I take that back.
They are essential for good health.
Here’s a recent article in the New York Times that fills in some of the details about the dangers of low Vitamin D. It was written by Jane E. Brody and published on July 26, 2010.