A report published by JAMA* on May 1, 2014 shows that low vitamin D levels are linked with aggressive prostate cancer even after investigators accounted for diet, smoking habits, obesity, family medical history, and calcium intake.

Vitamin D is officially referred to as a secosteroid, not a vitamin. It is synthesized in humans in the skin by the interaction of cholesterol and sunlight. Evidence points to the presence of vitamin D receptors in many tissues.

What would cause a man to have low vitamin D?

Everyone is advised to limit exposure to sunlight and wear chemical blocking agents if they still want to go out in the sun. In itself, the lack of sunlight could lead to low levels of vitamin D, called hypovitaminosis.

There’s another factor. The cholesterol that we need to make vitamin D. Like avoiding sunlight, modern medicine does everything it can to convince us we need to lower our cholesterol levels – even though there is no direct cause/effect that cholesterol is harmful.

There it is.

Low cholesterol and loss of sunlight, the ingredients necessary to make vitamin D. Thanks to modern medicine we’re being set up for low levels of vitamin D, so low that we are now hearing about a correlation between vitamin D and aggressive prostate cancer.

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. Sadly, taking the advice of the current medical system may be a direct cause of prostate cancer. If low vitamin D is associated with cancer in men, is there any likelihood that low levels may also be associated with cancer in women? Seems reasonable, but that probably won’t change things.

Why not?

First, most people – doctors included – believe that cholesterol is harmful. We also believe we can and should do everything possible to bring our levels down, including taking potent drugs. In the end, though, we suffer, not just from low vitamin D but from the diseases that such low levels are shown to cause – such as in this report, aggressive prostate cancer.

Wake up people. Change your beliefs.

Cholesterol is our friend and one of the most important substances in our body. We should not be avoiding healthy food or taking drugs to reduce the amount we have.

*JAMA is the Journal of the American Medical Association